Monday 22 March 2010

Main Task - 22nd March 2010

Today we decided to create and add our own music to the film and this is very important in my opinion to create the atmosphere for a scary film. We created the music by playing it in on a keyboard we wanted to create a leit motif for the girl so that every time you hear it you know that it is connected to her and that something is goin to happen with the girl and this creates and builds lots of tension in the film. The type of music we decided to use to connect to the girl was and almost jewellery box kind of sound like a sweet little jingle which connects to the use of the doll but with a sinister edge to it to create the horror. For the opening of the piece we created a happier modern kind of sound that’s diagetic and more naturalistic to the scene and would connect to the teenagers travelling in their car. Towards the end of the piece we wanted to create that feeling of tension, so instead of adding more music we added a very low background sound that slowly builds up at the end building the tension with it to the climax of the film.


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