Thursday 25 March 2010

Main Task - 25th March 2010

In this last lesson we checked through all of out film and watched it through to make sure there weren’t any mistakes. We made our last and final cuts to make sure the film was perfectly in the time limit. We also played around with the colour slightly as well draining some of it from some scenes to give a more eyrie feel to it. Once we was satisfied that the film was the way we wanted it to look we burnt it to a disk and added tiles to the start of the DVD.


Monday 22 March 2010

Main Task - 22nd March 2010

Today we decided to create and add our own music to the film and this is very important in my opinion to create the atmosphere for a scary film. We created the music by playing it in on a keyboard we wanted to create a leit motif for the girl so that every time you hear it you know that it is connected to her and that something is goin to happen with the girl and this creates and builds lots of tension in the film. The type of music we decided to use to connect to the girl was and almost jewellery box kind of sound like a sweet little jingle which connects to the use of the doll but with a sinister edge to it to create the horror. For the opening of the piece we created a happier modern kind of sound that’s diagetic and more naturalistic to the scene and would connect to the teenagers travelling in their car. Towards the end of the piece we wanted to create that feeling of tension, so instead of adding more music we added a very low background sound that slowly builds up at the end building the tension with it to the climax of the film.


Thursday 18 March 2010

Main Task - 18th March 2010

In today’s lesson we were still editing but beginning to add the last finishing touches to the film such as a title sequence at the start of the film and the main title as well. After adding in the titles at the start, running over the first 2 scenes we decided we didn’t like the way it looked. We decided to change this idea to a voice over instead which added to the atmosphere of the scary film because it was a character looking back and telling the story which I think would connect with the audience more than just text floating across the screen.


Monday 15 March 2010

Main Task - 15th March 2010

We continued editing in this lesson with all the extra shots we had taken including the car scenes but we found that when we added these extra shots that the film was quite widely over the time limit so we had to work quite had to cut all the scenes down to get the film closer to the time limit we have of 2 minuets.


Thursday 11 March 2010

Main Task - 11th March 2010

In this lesson we started filming our all important car scenes which we hadnt been able to film up untill this point because we had'nt had a car avaliable for us. The car scenes are very important to the film because they set the scene and are the most complicated scenes for us to film so we needed to make sure we had these scenes done so we can begin to edit through them next lesson.


Monday 8 March 2010

Main Task - March 8th 2010

In todays lesson we started to edit through the shots that we already had and put them into order and realised that we needed some more shots so went up and did our scenes that we needed to do in the room that we cleared out last lesson.


Thursday 4 March 2010

Main Task - 4th March 2010

In this lesson we continued filming in the attic trying to get the important shots with the doll right as they are essential to the story. We also had to completly clear out a room that we needed to use for filming and that took up most of the lesson time but it is important to the film that we use this room.


Monday 1 March 2010

Main Task - March 1st 2010

Today we started filming through the first avaliable scenes we could do, which were the ones that took place in the attic. We took practice shots first to see what they would look like and to try and get it to look the best we could. We also had to work round issues we had such as dropping a porclain doll on a wooden floor without it smashing. We eventually came up with the idea of using a cardboard box on the floor, to cusion the doll and only use the top of the shot so you dont see the box. Then we dropped the doll from a lower hight when we needed to show the doll landing on the floor.
