Thursday 25 February 2010

Main Task - Febuary 25th 2010

In this lesson we finally finished off creating a short script fot the opening part of our film. We also added a sound script to our story board and checked that we have all our props together and everything ready so we can prepare to film next lesson.


Audience Research.

Target Audience Questionaire..

1. What age are you?
Most Popular Answers: 17-19.

2. Are you male or female?
Most Popular Answers: Male.

3. What is your favourite genre of film?
Most Popular Answers: Horror.

4. Do you like horror films?
Most Popular Answers: Yes.

5. What do you look for in a typical horror film?
Most Popular Answers: Scary Villan.

6. What is you favourite horror film?
Most Popular Answers: Psycho.

7. What is your least favourite horror film/Why?
Most Popular Answers: Number 23.

8. What attracts you to go and watch a horror film?
Most Popular Answers: Famous Actor/Actresses.

9. Where do you usually watch horror films/Why?
Most Popular Answers: The Cinemas/ Because Its Dark, Better Experience.

10. What film certificate do you usually go for when your watching a horror film?
Most Popular Answers: 18.

Monday 22 February 2010

Main Task - 22 February 2010

In todays lesson we added music and sound effects to each of the shots on our storyboard. We also made notes on film openings from the same genre with the same kind of ideas as our film to help get inspiration for our opening. we also made a props list and discussed the various locations we need and talked about any issues that might occur with using these locations and also talked about health and safety. We also tried to estimate the time of each shot we have and how long in total the film might be.


Film Openings.

The Exorcist
It starts by fading into a house where a bedroom light is on and the light goes out suddenly which has a scary effect to it. Then it shows a faded statue of an angel looking down and then there is a disjointed screaching violin sound which makes you feel uneasy. Then the titles fade on in red which is an important colour because it symbolises danger and blood and the title of the film suddenly shoots on very fast shocking you.

Film Openings.

We looked at some film openings similar to the genre of ours to get some inspiration.

Jeepers Creepers

The deep strange music starts before the movie does while the screen is still black to create an ery feeling because you can't see whats going on. The titles start to fade in from the blackness to create slow tension and build up the scary atmosphere.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Main Task - 10th February 2010

During this lesson we started a brainstorm of all the things we need to think about for our film including sound, props, locations, costumes and actors in the film and how we are goin to go about obtaining them. Then we made a detailed list of each of the shots and camera angles we are using for each scene. We also worked on a short script of dialogue during the film.


Thursday 4 February 2010

Main Task - 4th February 2010

In todays lesson we finished off editing our preliminary task video. We then began to think about ideas and locations to use for our main task. We have already decided opon a scary genre so it was a case of finding scary looking locations to suit. Our media teacher Mr Ohara showed us around the college grounds and around the attic which would be the perfect locations for a our film so we took some pictures of the most important spots to think about starting to film there. We then decided to create blogs to make a documentation of preparing and making our films.


Monday 1 February 2010

Preliminary Task - Monday 1st February

In Todays lesson we decided to re-film the video as a consequence of what happend last lesson during filming. We still kept the majority of the orginial film but managed to get the ending scences that we didn't manage to get in the last lesson due too the unavailbilty of the classroom.
