Thursday 28 January 2010

Preliminary Task - Thursday 28th January

In todays lesson we did the filming for our preliminary task. We followed out storyboard and carried out the various different shots and picked locations around college using classrooms to film in. We faced a problem when filming though as one of our group members had to leave early and also the classrooms we was filimg in became unavaliable so we had to work around that to get the finished product.


Monday 25 January 2010

Preliminary Task - Monday 25th January 2010

In todays lesson we came up with the idea for our preliminary task which is about someone finding out a secret about them. We then created a storyboard showing the various different shots and angles we are going to use. We also added a short script to use for our shot reverse shot between two characters. we then practiced working with the camera. And went off to carry out various different shots that miss had set us the task to do. We learned the functions of how to use the camera safely.
